
Rates per word vary according to the complexity of the source text and necessary research (e.g. search for quotations published in the target language) between 0.14 and 0.16 Euros.

For language editing, the hourly rate varies - again according to the complexity of the text - between 35 and 40 Euros.

Rates for translations are calculated by the number of produced words, i.e. the number of words in the target language. With translations from German to English, you may assume that the number of words decreases slightly, while experience shows that it increases with translations into German. However, you may estimate the price of your translation from the number of words in your original document.

These rates presuppose that the text is submitted in readable and writeable electronic form (Open Office or Microsoft Word formats). With other formats (printout, pdf, web link), there will be an additional fee.

With extremely tight deadlines or weekend assignments, I will also add an additional fee.

Deadlines, Timeframe

When the translation is commissioned, a deadline will be agreed upon. You may avoid tight deadlines by previous enquiries as to availability. Especially with longer texts, please contact me in advance in order to see whether the translation can be done within the allowed deadline.

As an approximate value, you may assume a daily workload of about 2000 words. However, I would like to point out that the quality of your translation will profit from a wider margin.

Working Method, Process

Usually, the translation process starts with the commission and transfer of the document. Especially with complex contents, there might be a need for clarification of details, which is why a contact should be named.

If not otherwise agreed, translations into German will follow the current orthography, and translations into English will be into British English.

Original document: The translator will indicate (spelling or other) mistakes or ambiguities in the original document.

Quotes: If applicable, quotes will usually be looked up in the target language, and the translator will check whether a translation exists. As this can be a considerable task, this effort will be invoiced.

Discussion of results/ revision: With language editing as well as translation, you may discuss results with the translator, and revisions are free of charge.


The responsiblity to clarify copyright for the source text lies with the client. Therefore, I assume that the client owns all rights for the material to be translated, and that the translation of the material by me does not infringe on any copyright issues.

I would also like to point out that the translator also has her own copyright on the translation (§ 5 clause 1 Austrian Copyright law). The client only acquires the rights to use the material for the agreed purpose.