This is the time of the year when it is tempting to look back and think about the past year – and this brings me to the first point of order: a heartfelt thank you to all our supporters and friends! Without private donations guaranteeing our independence, we would simply be unable to support PHASE’s work in Nepal!
In the past year, this enabled us to win substantial support from Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung for PHASE’s maternal and child health programme in Mugu, as well as funding from the City of Vienna for a Girls’ Empowerment Programme in neighbouring Bajura district. In this context, we would also like to express our gratitude to our institutional donors (these also include the Austrian Development Agency, which also supports maternal and child health in Mugu).
But especially as the holidays and their plentiful food are coming up, we should also mention PHASE Nepal’s nutrition and livelihoods programme in the region. While the health programme also focuses on growth monitoring for children and nutrition education for mothers, there is also a separate programme supporting improved vegetable farming methods (greenhouses, mushroom farming), fruit tree seedling distribution, chicken and goat breeding, and the initiation of local markets, which has also received funding from PHASE Austria and the City of Vienna in the past years.