PHASE Austria is 15!

PHASE Austria is 15!

Time flies! This months, it will be exactly 15 years since the foundation of PHASE Austria. At the start we were a small group, but we have developed into an important mediator and supporter in development.

For fifteen years now we’ve promoted and supported PHASE Nepal’s projects and thus help our Nepalese colleagues to sustainably improve the situation and life chances of people in remote and disadvantaged communities in Nepal. Access to healthcare, education, and income as well as promoting empowerment are at the core of our projects, which are documented in detail in our annual report.

Looking back, it was a steep learning curve on principles of rural development, the situation and specific problems in Nepal, communication with donors, project proposals for institutional donors, and not least dealing with the unexpected – the disastrous earthquakes in Nepal in April and May 2015, and the COVID pandemic.

We have managed to stay afloat, and today we have a qualified team and even more energy to promote our belief in just being a “phase” until people in Nepal will no longer need us as they will be empowered to help themselves.

For all these highs and lows, you, our donors, dear friends, have always been with us. We would like to thank you for that!

Celebrate with us, for instance at our next annual assembly on April 22, 2022:

PHASE Austria assembly
April 22, 2022, 6:30 pm
Werkraum Ingenieure Kunst
Mariahilferstraße 115/13
1060 Vienna

Please note: COVID test required for all participants!