Project regions

PHASE works in disadvantaged and/or remote rural communities in Nepal, implementing an integrated development approach that aims for the empowerment of its beneficiaries

Our projekt regions

So far, PHASE Austria has supported projects in six districts and 16 communities; initially in Sindhupalchok and Okhaldunga, later in North Gorkha, and recently, most of our projects were located in the Karnali region in Western Nepal, a region that is extremely poor and underdeveloped even compared to other regions of Nepal. In winter 2018, we will start an urban health project in Kathmandu.

The map shows the districts we have worked in:

Karte von Nepal

Here we provide general information on each project region; you can also sort the projects by region for an overview of what we do in each of them.

  • Integrated programme to improve access to maternal and child healthcare in Mugu, Western Nepal

    Else Kröner-Fresenius Award for Development Work in Medicine 2017 Since 2019 with funding from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) Since Ocober 2019 with funding from Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (EKFS) In the context of an integrated programme to improve nutrition and health in women and children in Western Nepal, the project aims to support government health services […]

  • Himalayan Sherpa School, Hile

    Project duration: 2009 bis 2018 Hile, Rawadolu VDC, Okhaldunga This project is due to the personal commitment of Senta Vogl (PHASE Austria Deputy Chair), who got to know this remote village through her long-time guide Tendi Sherpa. The school building was built through the autumn and winter of 2009-10, funded by PHASE Austria. The construction […]

  • Food security for Mugu, Western Nepal

    Project duration: December 2017 to November 2019 Project area: Jima and Dhainakot, Mugu District, Karnali Region In keeping with the goal of capacity development, PHASE plans to provide 150 female and male farmers in 2 communities in Mugu, one of the poorest districts of Nepal, with a basis not only to achieve food security for […]

  • Sports – Integration and Empowerment

    Project duration: 2016 – 2017 Rawadolu VDC, Okhaldunga District The lives of people in remote communities in Nepal have become even more difficult after the earthquakes of April and May 2018. The Village Development Committee Rawadolu in Okhaldunga District has no road access, the trek from the nearest road head takes two to three days. […]

  • Girls Empowerment in Western Nepal

    The connection between women’s human rights, gender equality, socioeconomic development and peace is increasingly apparent. – Mahnaz Afkhami Duration: December 2016 to November 2017 VDC Wai, Bajura The empowerment workshops focus on issues like safety, protection from violence, health and hygiene and education. Sexualized violence and early (forced) marriage are still serious problems in Nepal, […]

  • School Access for Disadvantaged Children

    Because ultimately, it is the empowerment of the poorest that works for the poorest. – Ravi Kanbur What Works for the Poorest? Project duration: December 2015 to May 2018 VDCs Maila, Melccham and Jair, Humla, Western Nepal This project is co-funded by the City of Vienna. In cooperation with PHASE Nepal, PHASE Austria implemented a […]

  • Improved Learning Environments, Humla

    Project duration: May to July 2018 Melchham and Jair, Humla District, Karnali Region Following the School Access for Disadvantaged Children in Humla, which also highlighted the deplorable lack of any learning materials, or even furniture or flooring, in the local schools, PHASE Austria decided to fund material support to improve the learning environments of the […]

  • Teacher Training

    Project duration: December 2014 to April 2017 Projekt communities: Kolti, Kotila, Wai, Bandhu, Pandusain, Rugin, Bajura District, Karnali Region In cooperation with PHASE Nepal, PHASE Austria implemented a two-year focus programme in teacher training. Bajura is one of the most remote districts of Nepal in the West of the country; the district’s most remarkable features […]

  • Girls Empowerment Project in Bichhiya, Bajura District

    … there is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. – Kofi Annan Project duration: December 2019 to November 2020, extended until November 2021 Bichhiya, Bajura District Summary The project’s main goal is to improve the education opportunities and life chances of women and girls in the region, in particular to […]

  • Water and Sanitation for Bama, Mugu

    The main goal of the project is the improvement of the sanitary situation and the water supply of approx.. 1,000 inhabitants of the villages Bama, Nafa, and Thumbada, Ward 14, Chhayanath Rara Nagarpalika, Mugu district, by building a source intake structure, reservoir and pipeline with 5 public tapstands as well as, initially, 10 private tapstands […]

  • Agricultural Support to Improve Nutrition in Bhee, Mugu District

    Project duration: 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023 Project community: Bhee, Mugu District In the community of Bhee in the remote North-West of Nepal (223 households, 1,513 inhabitants), an agricultural project will sustainably improve the nutritional situation. The project will support the introduction of off-seasonal vegetable farming in polytunnel greenhouses (100 households), mushroom farming […]

  • An integrated approach to improving women and child health in 4 deprived communities in the Karnali region

    Project duration: 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023 Target communities: Melchham and Jair, Humla District; Bichhya and Ruga, Bajura District – Karnali Region The overarching project goal is to reduce maternal and child mortality, in particular by improving healthcare and nutrition of mothers and children in four communities in the Karnali region in western […]

  • Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Mugu

    The situation of persons with disabilities, in particular in rural Nepal, is marked by difficulty and physical and geographical challenges, as well as societal exclusion. A specific offer for people with disabilities, for instance physiotherapy, is not provided by government primary health services. In addition, people with disabilities are more likely to be illiterate due […]

  • Disaster Relief

    Earthquake on 25 April 2015 PHASE Austria immediately supported PHASE Nepal’s emergency measures. We also managed to raise a total of 83,000 Euros in funds restricted to disaster relief and reconstruction in 2015, which we made available to PHASE Nepal. At the time the earthquake hit, PHASE Nepal was active in three of the worst-hit […]

  • Outreach Clinic reconstruction in Hagam

    Sindhupalchok is one of the worst affected districts of the series of earthquakes in April and Mai 2015 – approximately 90 % of all buildings were damaged or completely destroyed, and there also were many deaths. Reconstruction is slow due to lack of funds and bureaucracy, but also because of the difficult climatic and geographic […]

  • Flexible Curriculum School in Chumchet

    Project duration: December 2014 to Mai 2017 Yarchu, VDC Chumchet, Gorkha Following the women’s literacy programme in North Gorkha, the flexible curriculum school (“alternative school”) in Yarchu village, Chumchet VDC that had been launched in the context of this project was continued. Flexible curriculum schools cater to children who for instance are unable to start […]

  • Karnali Region

    The Karnali region (in Province 6 and 7) is one of the most remote and disadvantaged regions of Nepal. Both HDI (2011: 0.39) and MPI (2014: 0.23) are significantly worse than the national average (HDI for Nepal 2011: 0.538, MPI 2014: 0.116). A 2013 DFID paper emphasised that the Mid and Far West (MFW) of […]

  • Kathmandu

    Urban Health in Kathmandu Kathmandu is one of the fastest-growing urban centres of the world – its population growth at an annual rate of around 4 %; in 1950, the city had a population of a little over 100,000 people, today, it is an estimated 2 million, with growth accelerating over the past 15-20 years. […]

  • Sindhupalchok District

    Sindhupalchok lies roughly half a day’s journey to the North-East of Nepal’s capital Kathmandu. The district was amongst the worst-hit regions of Nepal in the April and May 2015 earthquakes – an estimated 90% of all buildings were destroyed, the district also had the highest number of deaths in relation to its population, more than […]

  • Urban Health for the Disadvantaged

    Project period: December 2018 to November 2020 Kankeshwori, Kathmandu PHASE Nepal will be implementing a two-year Urban Health project for particularly disadvantaged people with a focus on maternal and child health and additional measures to support people living with a disability. The project will support a government Urban Health Clinic in a district of Kathmandu […]

  • Gorkha District

    The communities in the North of Gorkha Districts are some of the most remote villages of Nepal, with a lack of infrastructure, disadvantaged populations and difficult access their most striking characteristics. The villages are one to several days on foot from the roadhead – any material has to be carried there across steep paths and […]

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